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love by theownerofthisblog

Saturday, October 29, 2011


Morning peeps , awalkan bangun ? -..-
No , I'm not that kind person. selagi tak bising , jangan harap nak bangun. cuma tadi eh it supposed to be yesterday right ada makcik marah anak dia yang duduk bilik sebelah pagi-pagi buta. spoil lah ! guess what , it was like listening to the radio lagu metal. 
sekarang, stay up late masih metelaah buku. percaya ? yes you should ! I admit I'm not good at the subject's history. feels like akdgasljcka -________-
hai abang kening tidur dulu ye. fine (:

after midnight
pengajian malaysia equal to sejarah , erghh

Short note

dan short note lagi 

lets continue scanning the book. faham ? bye.

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